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Universal E-Mail

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The primary theme for Tuesday, May 5 and Wednesday, May 6, 1998.

More people exchange e-mail every day. While achieving ubiquitous telephone service in the U.S. and around the world remains a significant challenge, e-mail is emerging as a universal communications tool among increasing segments of the world population.

The "Universal E-mail" theme addresses e-mail access and the ubiquitous use of e-mail. Use the following questions as guide for the conversation. Send in additional questions via our comment form.

  1. How many people have an e-mail address in the U.S.? In other countries? Do they use e-mail from home or work? Which geographic areas have the most e-mail addresses per capita in the world? What is the rate of growth in e-mail users and message volume?

  2. What can we learn from providers of e-mail accounts about broadening access to e-mail? What are the important lessons? What are the known benefits? Where are most of the real costs? Broadly, what is your vision of the future of e-mail?

  3. Should there be a public policy goal of universal e-mail (i.e. an e-mail address for everyone and the means to access it)? Has any governmental body considered this? Should e-mail access from homes or a nearby public location (see next theme regarding Universal Internet) be guaranteed?

  4. If the "market" brings sixty-five percent of individuals and most businesses online by 2005, what should be done now to build a more universal, effective and efficient e-mail infrastructure? Should there be unified "white page" directories? Will there be "unlisted" options? Privacy protections? As people change providers, how portable will their e-mail addresses be? What kind of "universal e-mail" system do we want/expect from the competitive marketplace? What, if anything, should be done to fill in the "gaps?"



Essays on this theme are available in the E-Mail for All Archive.

Comments & Notes


Articles and Reports

Links to articles and reports will be added throughout the event. Please use the submission form to nominate the best reports and articles.


News Stories

Links to recent news stories. Use the submission form to help us establish links.


Online Resources

We won't recreate the wheel. Visit these "best of" sites for extensive information and background on this theme.


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