Welcome to the Markle Foundation's E-Mail 
for All Internet Discussion     

Submit Content to EMFA

A major part of the Universal Access Conversation is the cooperative creation of a web site with original content and links to important essays, articles, reports, news stories, web sites, and e-mail lists related to the event themes. Submission highlights will be sent to the EMFA-EVENT e-mail list on a regular basis.

Help us build this site as a lasting resource.

Please fill in the top part of the form first. Then fill in any or all of the fields below, then press the submit button at the very end. Use our comment form if you have any questions, or send us e-mail at: emfa@publicus.net

(The E-Mail field is required, all others are optional.)

Universal Access Theme Essays

Articles and Reports Related to Themes

News Items

Online Resources

  • We will link to the "best of" major online resources sites related to the event themes.
  • Rules: We we won't recreate the wheel.

Mailing Lists and Online Discussions

  • The Universal Access Conversation only lasts for two weeks, but the Internet never stops talking. Just as EMFA used e-mail lists to build the audience for the list, we plan to help participants find their way to relevant ongoing Internet policy discussions. We will also want references to ongoing web discussions related to the themes. Submissions will be placed in a special document for wide distribution.
  • Rules: Lists/Web Boards/News groups related to themes, open to the public, full details required to ensure inclusion in directory.

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